January 19, 2023
Gunnar D. Larson –
406 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10001
Re: Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”) Tracking No. 2022-092267
Dear Gunnar D. Larson:
I write in response to the FOIL request that you submitted to the New York State 
Department of Financial Services (“Department”) on September 12, 2022, which states as 
“Dear Madam or Sir: On May 18, 2022 - received a copy of a 
financial disclosure form for Mr. Richard Weber (General Counsel, NY-DFS) 
noting an advisory council role at the Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime 
and Law Enforcement. No address was provided:
?usp=drivesdk We would like to receive any and all records NY-DFS and Human 
Rights hold for this appointment approval for a state associated represenative. 
Warm regards, Gunnar Gunnar Larson - 646-454-9107.”
Public Officers Law (“POL”) § 89(3) requires a FOIL request to reasonably describe the 
records sought. This means that the description of the documents sought must be sufficient to 
allow the agency to locate and identify the documents requested. See Matter of Farbman & Sons 
v New York City Health & Hosps. Corp., 62 NY2d 75 (1984); Matter of Wright v Hippolyte, 
2014 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 1247, 2014 NY Slip Op 30705(U) (Sup. Ct. N.Y. County March 20, 
2014). The Committee on Open Government, which is responsible for, inter alia, issuing 
advisory opinions regarding FOIL, has opined that “[w]hether a request reasonably describes the 
records sought . . . may be dependent upon the terms of a request, as well as the nature of an 
agency’s filing or record-keeping system.” Committee on Open Government (“Committee”) 
Opinion No. FOIL-AO-16073 (July 17, 2006). In the Committee’s Opinion No. FOIL-AO-11960(February 17, 2000), it opined that a FOIL request that sought records “‘tending to support’ a
particular statement, or ‘utilized’, ‘used’ or ‘relating to’ various activities of the Department of
Environmental Conservation” was not a reasonably described request for records under Public
Officers Law Article 6. The Committee stated that a response to such a request “would involve
making a series of judgments based on opinions, some of which would be subjective, mental
impressions”, and require “ascertaining which records might ‘tend to support’ a statement [that]
would involve an attempt to render a judgment regarding the use, utility, accuracy or value of
records.” The Committee held that “for purposes of [FOIL], a request for such materials would
not meet the standard of ‘reasonably describing’ the records sought, for such a request would not
enable the [agency] to locate and identify the records in the manner envisioned by that statute.”
Your FOIL request fails to meet the “reasonably describe” requirement in POL § 89(3)
because it includes vague and imprecise phrases such as “any and all records,” and does not
clearly describe the records that you are seeking. Such vague phrases are imprecise terms that
require Department staff to make subjective judgments as to whether a document is responsive to
your FOIL request. When such subjective judgments are required of staff, the FOIL request may
be denied for failure to meet the reasonably describe requirement in POL § 89(3). Additionally,
the Department does not have an indexing system that allows it to search all of its records by
terms that may appear in such records. Accordingly, the Department is denying your FOIL
request on the basis that the request is not reasonably described.
Even if your FOIL request was reasonably described, to the extent that your request can
be interpreted as seeking internal Department records, your request would be denied pursuant to
POL § 87(2)(g) (the “inter/intra-agency exemption”), which exempts from disclosure records
that are “inter-agency or intra-agency materials which are not: i. statistical or factual tabulations
or data; ii. instructions to staff that affect the public; iii. final agency policy or determinations;
[or] iv. external audits, including but not limited to audits performed by the comptroller and the
federal government[.]” Such internal records contain opinions, recommendations, evaluations,
and other subjective commentary by government employees, and do not contain information that
fall within any of the four exceptions to non-disclosure under POL § 87(2)(g).
Additionally, those records are simultaneously exempt from disclosure pursuant to POL
§ 87(2)(b) (the “personal privacy exemption”), which exempts records, or portions thereof, that
“if disclosed would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy under the provisions
of subdivision two of section eighty-nine of the [Public Officers Law].” Determining whether
disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy requires balancing the
competing interests of public access and individual privacy. See Dobranski v. Houper, 154
A.D.2d 736 (3d Dep’t 1989).
Here, the Department is withholding the personal information mentioned above because
the interest of keeping that information private outweighs the competing interest of providing
public access to that information. Such information about private citizens is of a personal nature
and disclosure of the information would not serve any governmental purpose consistent with the
intent of FOIL. See Goyer v. New York State Dep’t of Envtl. Conservation, 12 Misc.3d 261
(Sup. Ct. N.Y. County 2005). Consequently, the Department is not disclosing that information
pursuant to Public Officers Law § 87(2)(b).

In accordance with POL § 89(4), you may appeal this determination within 30 days by
sending an email to
Very truly yours,
Pascale Jean-Baptiste
FOIL Officer

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: JeanBaptiste, Pascale (DFS) <>
Date: Thu, Jan 19, 2023, 9:50 AM
Subject: FOIL Request No. 2022-092267 - Larson
To: Gunnar Larson <>
Cc: Garrett, Carmen (DFS) <>

Good Morning:


Please see the attached determination in response to your FOIL request. Thank you.