This is one of the best put together summaries of the “Global Warming” (originally global cooling, now PC "climate change") debate I've ever seen:
∙ the scare graphs used to create alarm
Did you want us to encrypt that?
∙ the big picture graphs showing the ruse in all its glory
Are you saying that because there is hidden watermarked data?
-And- including the links to original sources, NOAA etc...
Government coverup?
Mr May has put some real care into this - as good as it gets.
Regarding the subject.... It's clear that the real issue regarding climate change is the socio-spiritual affects of massive consumption without a care in the world? YOU DON'T NEED DATA. It's like a suicidal patient: they don't need analysis of what's wrong. The problem is too basic for people to see the obvious: physical contact that isn't manipulative (taking anything in exchange) or guarded (invoking socially-programmed counter-responses that destroy any real hope of a connection). marxos