For distribution... NABU LEAKS... Ukraine Outs Joe Biden's Corruption, Lies and Traitorship of US to Prop Biden Family... Joe Biden Tapes plus six more files onsite " ALL THIS MONEY, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF ABOUT $5 MILLION, WAS STOLEN FROM THE UKRAINIANS AND LAUNDERED THROUGH THE ABOVE SHELL COMPANIES. This is a payment for the political “cover” that Biden provided to Zlochevsky. " "Indeed, I would argue that Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians ever in America. In the past, corrupt politicians have confined themselves to playing dirty in their own back yard, making money from deals with fellow Americans. I believe that Biden is the first person ever to serve in the highest reaches of government – the Senate and the Vice Presidency – who sold his country out to the highest foreign bidders. It’s an insult to everything America has stood for since its inception that massive election fraud might allow this person to set foot in the oval office."