20 Dec
20 Dec
8:11 p.m.
On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 15:11:06 +0100 rysiek <rysiek@hackerspace.pl> wrote:
Dnia niedziela, 20 grudnia 2015 03:36:03 juan pisze:
On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 00:56:44 -0500
grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Not too off topic, I daresay.
But we can make it a lot more on topic. 'cypherpunks' should stop wasting time trying to encrypt email and should start building missiles instead. DIY missiles would cause a real shift in power.
The "rocketpunk" mailing list is that way. --->
Amd what's the way for state apologists unable to put 2+2 together?