On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 11:36:43 -0800 coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1/10/16, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
now USA in a state of perpetual war,
It has always been. So what the fuck are you talking about.
Juan, let me return your incredulity with clarity,
i know i'm old, but that also means i remember a time we were not actually at war (except drug war! in hindsight, that counts as war well enough...)
"America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776" http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/02/america-war-93-time-222-239-years-sin...
dude the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world. What the fuck are you talking about.
incarceration rate alone doesn't tell the tale.
It does tell, for starters, that the US is anything but a 'free society'. "not to mention that much of the rest of the world would be killed or imprisoned leading my kind of life in another jurisdiction" I don't know what kind of life you lead but it is obvious that under US 'juris' 'diction', not obeying the nazis in charge is likely to land you in jail and of course the police will execute you on the spot if you resist.
part of this problem is a "success" in prosecution and consistent(sorta) sentencing.
speaking of ending endless wars, drug sentences will reduce this a fair amount, but significant reduction will require significant reduction in sentences...
which is ok, as anything beyond 5 years is just punative;isolationary - not rehabilitation.
^^^^^ reformist comentary, not really relevant.
DUDE! Are you trelling or what??
Narcos a local example of serious threat, vs. annoyance.
"" - https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/censor-or-die-the-death-of-mex...
Dude! You keep posting pentagon propaganda??
when people are being killed for exposing corruption or injustice,
i don't fear accidentally eating polonium, ever, for example. ;)
I really can't tell if you're joking or not but my overall impression is that you aren't? Anyway I'm glad that Snowden denounced the corrupt government of Haiti and now lives as a hero in The United States of America. With Assange. Or something like that.
all of which made me wonder, what did the every day German or Italian citizen see before fascism ravaged sanity? what did they see that felt
they laughably thought, exactly like you, that they were morally superior to the rest of the world.
is this where you advocate direct action to inhibit the machine?
Looks like a sensible and practical solution, so yes.
has become corrupt? How much to you get paid to troll this list?
the "justice system" is not total farce;
That is exactly what it is.
completely devoid of all credibility. extra-judicial summary killings are not common place. secrets laws don't ^H^H^H ... ok, part of it quite fucked.
The fact that the government sometimes follows some 'procedures' to commit their crimes, such as say mass incarcerate people, is pretty much irrelevant AND is exactly what makes the system a farce. Oh wait. Insert slogan here about 'rule of law'.
but beyond redemption? this is what i intend by "completely corrupt" - unable to dispense justice; only deceit on the scales.
What do you mean by redemption? The system works exacly as designed.
No it's acutally propagandists like you who are to blame.
propaganda! skillful use of this another key factor for thriving facism.
Yes, exactly.
meant to add that to the list above...
though perhaps it is your feign of forceful repudiation which is the facade? i enjoy your consistent and copious criticism Juan. one day i hope to enjoy your suggestions, too :)
best regards,