On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 11:37:06PM +0000, \0xDynamite wrote:
This seems like a lame question, but What is the value of the State?
Centralisation of power. A sense of safety/security for sheeple. Touted ideals by the state which are difficult to claim/exercise because of the state, i.e. self delusion.
Do activists require a State (defined as a codifed system of governance)?
Some probably do. Perhaps most of them. Tells us a lot about activists.
Without a State, would we have electronics? Radio? Computers? Mass Transit? Bikes?
Yes. Absolutely yes.
And if we need a State, what form should it take?
We need only the state of our consciousness - internalisation of our authority, and that pesky, diabolical and sociopathic external authority, The State, will dissolve away as it should. But such an utopia is unlikely on this planet ... humans gotta lotta learnin ta do.