Could Ezekiel be the true story of the Watchers, a groundhog battle repeated from Ramakrishna's "ancient" Sanskrit times, an actual battle soon to play once again on this little plot of real estate we now call mother Earth? Could the "recorded" assertions, statements and promises of "Ark Angel" Gabriel rest in fact, despite clumsy words by "modern" language standards, terms and technology? The Ark of Gabriel, Antarctica, Russia and the Apocalypse February 25, 2016 WHAT IS HAPPENING: Russian Patriarch Kirill held a strange ritual in Antarctica under the direction of Pope Francis February 20, 2016 23.11.2016 Author: Seth Ferris John Kerry’s Trip the South Pole: Nazi Roots “Revisited”? Ruins of an Ancient City With a Storied Past Surface in Antarctica Wednesday, December 30, 2015 Russia’s Mysterious ‘Ark Of Gabriel’ Weapon – Now On Route To Antartica Friday, January 1, 2016 Actor Tom Hanks visits Orthodox church in Antarctica Could prideful "I am creation's pinnacle, the highest expression of reality and centre" lead to deafness and blindness? (Keep getting this assertion (not the humble question) from my biological brother.) What did "Ark Angel Gabriel" ask, specify, ordinate? Is there any group or nation who keeps to some degree "Ark Angel Gabriel's" dictates? Musical military propaganda, reminder of Russian military principle: Lighter Rus propaganda, for whom values righteousness: (They do say the "angels" did find the fair maidens of Earth exceedingly desirable.)