On 02/20/2017 10:51 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/21/2017 1:09 PM, John Newman wrote:
This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS (his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and also a segment that has been debunked.
Trump was referencing the entirely real news that rape in Sweden has risen to extraordinary, intolerable and shocking levels, and that nearly all the rapists are young recent Muslim asylum seekers, who claimed to be children, but have no identity documents that would show their age and who for the most part look substantially older than "children".
I see - identity papers make people safe. Ummm, yeah. Most murderers have identity papers. You remind me of the time i passed through E. Germany in 1973. PAPERS PLEASE !