On 1/21/16, Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
juan wrote:
Doesn't your fucking herd have the divine collective right to identify you?
Existence shouldn't be regulated by the society you are part of
Sounds a good start - you advocate for no birth certificates, marriage certificates and death certificates then?
but your actions and behaviors might very well be to ensure the survival of the 'herd' if not the species.
In this statement is a subtlety that catches most people: Regulation of lawful/acceptable behaviour, vs regulation of unlawful/unacceptable behaviour. Should the state "regulate" sex by issuing Fucking licenses, with RFID chips to ensure appropriate locations only are used, with infringements and points loss for excessive fucking or fucking under the influence (won't someone please think of the foetuses that might be damaged)? Next a breeding license, again with penalties for infraction? Or should "the state" regulate intolerable/unacceptable behaviour such as rape, when that occurs? Should the state regulate individual travel by issuing drivers licenses? Or should the state regulate intolerable/unacceptable road conduct, when that occurs? The consequences of one are satisfaction of the expectation of the herd and curtailing of vigilante justice, the consequences of the other are ever greater violations of individual rights, freedoms, etc.