On Sep 5, 2013, at 11:12 AM, Dan White <dwhite@olp.net> wrote:

Snowden is, simply put, one of the great American heros of our time. His
interests are clear, and his integrity has yet to be breached.

WHOOP, From what I've seen is the three letter akro's (CIA,NSA) i'll stop, are still having a pissing contest, the whole lot, three letter agencies and the wanna bee spooks.

Baby face Eddie (the friendly spook) may just be ruse-no? Look at the timing, locals, principles,profits,defunding+WTF hearings (future),RT(Rutzkies) pouncing the shit hole agency and POTUS.

*I would steer your attention to the collaboration (and its wickedly close) of the BND and CIA and
5th column countries, ours being one of them.

For me when something is to good to be true, well then it might should be food for thought grounds for further research.

This may be a study; to see, what the sheeple do, act, don't give a fuck etc., and prepare when some real shit hits the wiki fan! _Mg

*A recent (and pre­dictably slanted) Wall Street Jour­nal arti­cle dealt with a leak of Naval Intel­li­gence secrets dur­ing the course of World War II.

Dis­clos­ing the piv­otal fact that U.S. intel­li­gence had cracked the Japan­ese “White Code” (not spec­i­fied in the WSJ arti­cle), “Colonel” Robert R. McCormick’s Chicago Tri­bune leaked vital infor­ma­tion for the sec­ond time in less than a year.

Hav­ing pre­vi­ously leaked the Rain­bow Five con­tin­gency plan for U.S. mobi­liza­tion and war-making doc­u­ments for the Sec­ond World War, McCormick was a mem­ber of Amer­ica First. Osten­si­bly iso­la­tion­ist and “patri­otic” in out­look, the orga­ni­za­tion was, in fact, actively funded by Third Reich intel­li­gence and com­prised (for the most part) of doc­tri­naire fas­cists who loved Hitler and Mus­solini and hated Franklin Delano Roo­sevelt with a passion.

(For a good under­stand­ing of the active pro-fascist nature of Amer­ica First, open Under Cover by John Roy Carl, son and use the “find” func­tion on your com­puter, search­ing “Amer­ica First.” This will yield a good under­stand­ing of the nature of that orga­ni­za­tion and its members.)

As dis­cussed in AFA #11, the prob­a­ble source of the leak of the Rain­bow Five pro­gram was Gen­eral Albert Wede­meyer, one of its pri­mary authors and an active Amer­ica Firster. (See text excerpts below for infor­ma­tion about Wede­meyer and the leak of Rain­bow Five.)

A lynch­pin of the China Lobby, the MacArthur group in the mil­i­tary and the milieu that coa­lesced into the  John Birch Soci­ety, Wede­meyer stud­ied at the Ger­man mil­i­tary acad­emy, begin­ning in 1936, rent­ing his apart­ment from Ger­hard Ross­bach, one of the lead­ers of the Brown­shirts (SA.) Later (as dic­sussed in AFA #11) Ross­bach went to work for the CIA in the post­war period. 

Yet another point about Wede­meyer set forth in AFA #11 is the fact that Ronald Rea­gan appointed Wede­meyer as a spe­cial mil­i­tary adviser.