On Mon, Jun 03, 2019 at 03:41:42PM -0300, Punk wrote:
On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 00:53:50 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Assange won’t be extradited for publishing secrets: Dershowitz: https://nypost.com/2019/06/02/assange-wont-be-extradited-for-publishing-secr...
you think the american government will save some taxpayer's money and simply murder him in england?
The details don't matter much to the psychopathic USA deep throats, I mean deep state - what matters is setting the example. Kim Dotcom also to be made an example for his "misdeeds" of allowing people to link to files - oh, and speak about Assange, Seth Rich, etc: Kim Dotcom affair: Why should we care about his possible extradition to the US? https://www.rt.com/news/461547-kim-dotcom-us-extradition/ God bless our Russkie bros though, sunbathing on the deck of the Russian destroyer Udaloy as the USS Chancellorsville does an abrupt about turn to avoid collission: No bother to them: Russian sailors spotted SUNBATHING during near collision with US destroyer https://www.rt.com/news/461406-russian-sailors-us-destroyer/ A handful of sailors were casually sunbathing on the destroyer's helipad, while the rest of the vessel seemed to be lifeless, as the crew was apparently doing its best to avoid the collision that could have led to serious damage at best – and who knows what international fallout. [From the "Grab a front row seat, grab the pop corn and take it all in your stride while sunbathing on the destroyer's helipad" department :) -- why sweat it anyway? You just -knew- the yanks were yankin' ya chain anyway ... seriously, playing "chicken" with navy destroyers in the East China Sea? Oh well ... may be it -was- the Russkies havin' a little midday fun in the sun :D Nuthin like your yank buddies "screaming" from the deck of their own navy destroyer ... to try and catch your attention .... HA! Like, what a firetruckin' beautiful day, hey? :D In non-soviet Russia, navy destroyer chicken YOU! For everything else, there's Mir Card :D Do NOT feed the chickens already! ]