On Monday, August 6, 2018, 3:59:14 PM PDT, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 20:06:38 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:

>>  If the public is shown good evidence that government can be taken down, they will decide that government SHOULD be taken down.

>   WHY will they do that? To take down the govt is a purely moral decision as your use of 'should' indicates. And the govenment SHOULD be taken down, AP or no AP. Except that ordinary people don't believe it should.

Remember, I'm not saying that "they will decide" by a 51% margin.  1% of the people participating should be sufficient.

>> Do you have a solution better than AP? 

 >   a solution for the political problem is a 'critical mass' of libertarians opposing the government or seceding. And I mean REAL libertarians. Not the ayn rand, big business worshiping, american type. 

I'm not aware that there is a "critical mass" for people supporting AP.    Do you have a different figure than my "1%"?

>>  If you don't, you need to explain why people will choose the status quo over an AP solution.

>    talking about 'people' is pretty much meaningless without explaing which particular people you are referrign to. But overall 'adult' people have been subjected to enough indoctrination and coercion so as to render them useless in a fight against the state. That is, if they are not outright state agents or state cronies, like all economic interests are. And a sizeable amount of people benefit from statism. 

1% should be sufficient.  

 >   Think about americans for instance. Ordinary americans benefit from the fact that the US govt and corporations rape the whole world. Why would they support AP?

Perhaps, but "the rest of the world" can also bet on the lifetime of American government employees.  Even a small but wealthy country could take down the American government, although its own government will eventually be taken down as well.

                   Jim Bell