On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Lodewijk andré de la porte <l@odewijk.nl> wrote:
If we're going to plan our economy together, collaboratively, then why do we need to be so sneaky about it?
This is interesting in that how often do you see mutual debt cancellation? Where N number of countries / entities get together, disclose evaluate their mutual debt and cancel it such that they rebase in one net direction. I owe you 10, you owe me 5, therefore I owe you 5 and you owe me zero. There are sneaky games behind refusing to even create a table to talk about mutual cancel, in games and refusal to share real data is where instability arises. Everybody is fucking everybody on whether house of cards is made of brick or cardboard. Not good. Suspect most the entities that can't balance their budget or books and haven't done so publicly in long time.