"FBI’s Comey says ‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case
any prosecutor COULD have chosen to bring such a case: All the case elements were present, the only thing missing might have been the will of a politically-de-motivated prosecutor to do that.
Right, 'reasonable' is pure weasel words, from lawyers well skilled in that.
delivered the hard drives, or maybe the copies
Hopefully everyone made duplicates of everything and were not dumb enough to turn over their only copy.
[also be angry at] the FBI, and probably the Department of "Justice"
If they knew of and sat on incriminating material, or pushed it down the queue or otherwise obstructed due to name of potential defendant.
angry at the people who apparently intentionally delayed the release of this story from February to October 2020.
Whether honest fuckup or not, and assuming Dems are worse threat to US or Libertarians then Reps, then more important is to just give full support to the storytellers right now.
It can now be called the "October Surprise". But it could just as easily have been the "February Surprise". Who screwed up?
It was ready for initial press drop by at latest Sep 24 when it started to tease out in some more fashion. Biden was tipped off around the time Biden began bleating to "vote early". Maybe they started late to prevent recovery time for Biden past peak point of unspinnable damage, but grossly underestimated the censors and press refusal to cover, same for law enforcement, or maybe hit a legal negotiation or participant logjam. Maybe they waited to see if Biden got nominated, perhaps presuming he'd be an easier target than another nominee, or was the only one they had significant dirt on, or didn't want to waste cycles on raking a non-nominee-Biden which would also make the actual nominee look saintly. If they were a naieve, a series of "we got this" lies from FBI/DOJ would have also chilled thoughts as to "we better release it now". They also stated wanting to do a trickle release for trapping purposes, so could have mis-paced that, up against Biden copping lids. Biden-Kamala could easily lose general/electoral, electorals could go unfaithful or get thrown to house decision, or supreme declare dems loser, or Biden arrested, or thousands patriots could peacefully surround and siege camp the Biden home and whitehouse causing long delay forcing news to cover, enforcement to investigate, etc. Hunter may take a fall, but the wise will see past that ploy. Given Biden cryrages over son in first debate and many times elsewhere, even without all the corrupt 10%, arranged meetings, gifts, bad deals for US, mental and medical aging, etc... Biden is still clearly compromised unfit to execute the office, all an opposing entity in US/abroad would have to do is mention Hunter and it's either a crypuddle or nukes launched. The people are electing a ticket, not a party, so Trump should win by default, with Jorgensen Libertarians sitting on a very nicely advanced #2 position. Dems will cry for substitute nominee with potential revote, or try to claim any Biden win is public judge jury and pardon. The leak appears real and as equally substantive, even if not, the Media and Big Tech have now proven themselves 100% guilty of Censorship and Bias, those being a highly valuable gift to Biden, which more than erase any win margin Biden may have, thus throwing it to Trump in any rational prosecution of Media and Tech with restorative to Trump.