On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 06:34:20PM -0000, coresamples@sigaint.org wrote:
Juan: Your climate 'scientists' are highly paid university parasites, pandering to 'progressive' eco fascists.
The church of "progress" is the religion of the emotionally defective, the spiritually dyslexic, and the philosophically depraved.
And besides, as Juan and others have pointed out many times, at least some so-called "science" is well and truly sullied by the politics which surrounds it. Just in today is a classic example from here in Australia: Malcolm Roberts is a recently elected Australian senator (One Nation), wanting to ask a few questions of the 'witnesses' to a certain Australian "Treaties Committee" about their looming decision to (presumably) ratify the "Paris Climate Agreement". ----- Subject: Submissions Climate Change Senator Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts My submissions (No. 38, see here: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Treaties/Paris... ( short link: http://ow.ly/gCzo305UGLL ) ) to the Treaties Committee who are considering the destructive Paris Climate Agreement. NOTE: On Friday 30 September 2016 I wrote to the committee Chair, on advice of the committee secretariat, and asked that I be allowed to question witnesses at the Committee’s hearing. Despite advice that the committee could vote to grant such a request, my application was denied. The information in this submission is limited as my ability to obtain fulsome information from committee witnesses was stymied. ----- End forwarded message -----