Wake up, wokester prog soc libs are out for your freedom...
Are you sheeple awake yet? Helloooooo? Wake up u dummies, 1984 is knocking at your door.... Now not only is nearly every US Democrat, and Biden Kamala Pelosi Trudeau Ardern Islam China and just about every "Democracy" aka unfree Socialist shithole, and every other "country", been fully pronouncing their love of and plans to roll out Total Censorship Regimes... now the "United Nations" has "united" against your God given Right to Free Speech as well. Just look at all these sick twisted coded speech and weasel words, hypocrite elite scumbags entrenching and self-preserving themselves and their power structures... https://twitter.com/antonioguterres/status/1575240180516196356 Everyone has the right to seek and receive verified information. Fighting misinformation, disinformation and hate speech is key for sustainable development and human rights. International Day for Universal Access to Information Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance and Access to Information #AccessToInfoDay #RightToKnow https://twitter.com/saylor/status/1576297909993484290 Even Saylor, bless his heart, is proposing to Lockdown the Internet to only those who posess and pay traceable non-fungible censorable Bitcoin-BTC to be allowed to access use and say anything on the Internet. Note they never say the benefit of privacy-enabled coins, Guerrilla Networks Overlays etc. So many panties of legacy power going in bunches over Free Speech. Lol.