Thanks for posting these
I got the latest book (as i write this it is the start of June in 2022) off library genesis, and I do not recommend getting it -- he says in it that if you want the full advanced protocol to sign up for a course on his website. I would try an earlier-published book, when he was less popular, and see if he put some full instructions in there.
But basically you just regularly expose yourself to increasing lengths of time to as cold as you can, keeping it reasonable and keeping increasing it. It seems if a part of you gets cold, you make sure to regularly and safely expose it to cold.
I don't do the hyperventilating because it is similar to meditation [I used meditation to relax when I was initially targeted so similar things can trigger me] and hard for me. I want to include it but haven't gotten very far with it yet. The few times I did try it it worked incredibly well, tons of warmth and energy.
I've personally been comfortable out in the cold a lot in the past, and I found that keeping mobile was the most helpful and useful thing. An instructor gave me this rule of thumb: if you feel pain, it's good and you're growing. if you feel numbness, it's bad and time to warm up.
I would stay out until I could tell I was going to get numb, and then I would casually go indoors and wait until I felt comfortable. This worked for me.
When outdoors, I was always walking or climbing somewhere, always doing something. I did some of Scott Sonnon's "Intuflow" stuff, which is great for casual parkour-like activity, and some Awareness practice from John Young, always looking for new things around me I hadn't noticed, and why they were there, etc etc, and also tracking from Tom Brown Junior. It seemed like I became incredibly happy, healthy, and smart, yet another drug-free nature drug.
The Wim Hoff stuff seems very masculine to me in comparison, very energy and power focused. But it's still great to find a way to have some hormesis again: hormesis is roughly the human need for appropriate environmental stress to be healthy.