Art Director: William Hopkins Designer: Allen Hurlburt Photographer: Art Kane Publisher: Cowles Communications, Inc./Look Magazine *THE* *ISSUES* WAR AND PEACE Vietnam has given us no songs, no glory. There have been 38 other wars fought since World War II, but the U.S. has bumbled into one whose aims are unclear, and whose outcome is uncertain. Our little war, like some vast malevolent genie, has engulfed us. Our mass media forever drone its witless incantations; escalate, killrate, defoliate. We see the young, frightened face of a soldier go lifeless on the 6:00 news. We are thrust onto the field to witness the old insanity of man pruning out his kind. Vietnam has done something to the American mind. It has given us a new view of the meaning of modern war, and called into question the virtue of U.S. military ventures. With over 1,000 ICBM's sheathed in hidden scabbards, we could rain random death on over half the population of our planet. Before we are led to unleash this power, we might well reexamine our over- committed role as global peace offi- cer. We have sought to come to terms with other nations, whose people fear America. Now, our own scared citizens sense our need to come to terms with ourselves. WAR AND PEACE TEXT BY WILLIAM HEDGEPETH