Yes lets hear about your thoughts on tor project rysiek

On Aug 2, 2016 2:41 AM, "juan" <> wrote:
On Mon, 1 Aug 2016 20:15:07 -0300
Cecilia Tanaka <> wrote:

> On Aug 1, 2016 7:46 PM, "juan" <> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 01 Aug 2016 22:36:15 +0200
> > rysiek <> wrote:
> >
> > > Hey,
> > >
> > > apparently this is the best way to get the trolls and discourse
> poisoners to come out of the woodwork around here.
> >
> >
> >         Look, it's rysiek! Hi rysiek!
> >
> >         Have you heard the latest news about your beloved tor
> > project?
> Those people are really something eh.
> >
> >         I think this 'community' of 'cypherpunks' would profit
> > greatly by
> hearing your testimony, praise and explanation of your blind trust and
> faith in the tor supreme humanitarians.
> Wow!!!  I don't know about metro's code yet, but rysiek's method for
> summon the trolls works well!  :D

        Are you talking about yourself? =)

        Or about rysiek? I mean, what can be more trolling than a
        pentagon apologist* and state apologist* in an allegedly
        'cypherpunk' mailing list?

*like rysiek
*like rysiek

        So go ahead guys, let's hear about tor, bruce schneider, your
        amazing 'coding' that's causing the state to crash down before
        our very eyes!

> (ok, I am late, but it was cute and I needed another pause, hihi...)