On 2020-12-13 22:12, Karl wrote:
Given the political left, notably social justice, is stuffed full of people who honestly care about the political right, it is very revealing to see us targeted with so much overt messaging claiming we are trying to harm the political right.
Could that be because you actually are harming the political right? Deplatforming, cancelling, and demonetization is actual harm, and has escalated to physical assault, and sometimes actual murder. Predictably, no one has been punished for assaulting a member of the right, even a Senator, no one has been punished for attempted murder shown on widely seen video of someone they were trying to kill for being insufficiently left, and the only person actually punished for actual murder of a Trump supporter had to be taken out extrajudicially. (Shot in the back "while resisting arrest", because the cops knew the DA would let him off).