The inevitable backlash/ response to the violent decades long 'marginalization of the mainstream' by the "Liberal Leftys" continues... *MOLESTATION OF THE MIND: FEMINIZING MALES AND MAINSTREAMING PERVERSION* http://newswithviews.com/Daubenmire/dave496.htm " All of the sudden the word pedophile has wriggled its way into mainstream America. Just like the diabolical double of transgenderism and homosexuality, a generation ago the mere mention of those illnesses was something whispered out of earshot of anyone under the age of eighteen. As the book of Ephesians clearly states there were some topics that warned we “let it not be named once among you.” Even thought this spiritual wickedness has been around since the fall of man, the idea that such deviancy would ever be taught to our children was unthinkable What is going on in our public schools is nothing less than moral molestation. I hate to go old fashioned on you but there was a time in America when we took seriously the crime of corruption of a minor. "