On Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:20:40 -0400 John <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
Hey - that's the second time you said you were "done" with me. After making a raft of bogus allegations. Interesting rhetorical technique ;)
Being done with you means not taking you seriously and not caring about what I write to you since you are a dishonest asshole anyway. For instance, now I'm going to bother replying to your first mental vomit, just because I feel like it. Let's assume for 'argumen's sake' that I am 'scientific' parasite working for your beloved state and that I ALSO criticize the 'scientific', state-funded, clown establishment of which I am a cog. Now, that certainly would make me an hypocrite and YET my criticisim would still be valid. Get it? And in the case of your first mental vomit (today) , even if you succesfully accused me of being an hypocrite (you didn't) my criticism would stand. Now, go pray to Holy Science to save you from the coming World Reheating Apocalypse.