1 May
1 May
6:41 a.m.
https://media.defense.gov/2020/Apr/24/2002288652/-1/-1/0/CSI-SELECTING-AND-U... Not a single fully opensource nontracking nonsharing noncollecting e2e encrypted decentral p2p app on the list. Seems someone doesn't want you communicating privately. If you can't run opensource code privately with no one else involved but your peers on your own infra, you can't trust it... yet another example people failing to take sage, propping the junk govcorpware... https://gizmodo.com/zoom-accused-of-misrepresenting-security-measures-in-ne-... Consider... #OpenSource on #OpenHW from #OpenFabs All of which you support with #Cryptocurrency Create full circle ecosystem, deprecate the rest.