On 12/23/2016 05:27 PM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* Rayzer <Rayzer@Riseup.net>
On 12/23/2016 04:07 PM, jim bell opined:
That outburst simply shows that you don't believe in the concept of 'private property', which is often defined as 'the right to exclude others'. Ironically, Communists (of which you are obviously one) believe in the concept of public, or collective, ownership.
Nations such as Venezuela are doing so well these days due to the wonders of Socialism.
Jim Bell
You aren't talking about "Collective" anything because collectives
don't "Exclude" anyone in the sense you mean it...
If a "collective" doesn't take the position that a given property is owned by everyone in the world, it is "excluding" the rest.
Collective. Let's say I'm a carpenter who makes furniture with political leanings towards anarchism and the collective I meet is within those parameters. In an anarchist society you wouldn't be "Excluded" from that collective. You may not have decision making rights until some other criteria are met, but you ARE part of that collective. Exclusion IS NOT an Anarchist ethic. You don't carry a card. Some collectives a larger and more encompassing... For instance the IWW and more recently CrimethInc.
and not-so-ironically I don't believe you're anything more than a right-wing Republican.
And you are pretending to be unaware that for 40+ years, libertarians have been viewed by lefties as "right-wing Republicans", and have been viewed by righties as "left-wing Democrats". Your saying what you think libertarians are classifies you as well as anything.
In the US they are right wing republicans. Whereas there's a great deal of confusion about what left means because anything to the 'left' of ... Oh let's say Donald Trump, is 'left'... But Libertarian has definable parameters that are easily observed in the US. White. Middle Class. Socially Liberal with a NOT SO LIBERAL economic belief. Use words like Communist, Marxist, Anarcho-Syndicalist, etc if you want to define what you mean by left because a Dixiecrat Democrat (constituting the majority philosophical underpinning of the Democratic party whether they're from "Dixie" or not) is not to the left of anything socially or economically.
There are at least 35 million homeless citizens in the US. That's about ten percent of the total population. Many of them are working and living in cars and shelters. Many of them are children.
And there are probably 20+ million illegal aliens in America.
Eaten any good strawberries or lettuce recently? Actually, I mis-speak because I drove truck from the fields of California and they ALL had green cards. Every single one of them I ever met. Which is good. Because you wouldn't have any strawberries or lettuce without them seeing as white people have an aversion to hard labor that won't make the rent pay-wise. So where exactly are the illegal aliens? Doing nudie photoshoots without work permits and marrying Donald Trump. Working at an Armour meat packing plant in Iowa after the company arranged to have them brought directly there. Making US military supplies at a Pentagon contracted factory in Maine (the company was allowed to keep the contract too) In other words, rich white males hire them, and a LOT of those RWMs would consider themselves libertarian too! And you still haven't responded to the contention below that the Venezuelan "Socialist" government isn't the primary reason for their economic woes, albeit a dependence on a very volatile oil market isn't helping, OR Saudi Arabia's failing economy for that matter, that Venezuela is continually being destabilized by direct US covert operations and it's surrounding US Satrap nations like the narco-state Colombia. The Cuban economy is doing quite fine... Has done quite fine over the last half century despite the fact that CIA gusanos dropped diseased chickens on the island and wiped out their poultry industry etc. You'd be a fucking idiot if you think the CIA isn't doing that sort of thing to Venezuela. Rr
"Photo: Associated Press reporter Matt Lee laughs at a US State Department Spokesperson’s contention the U.S. is NOT involved in the recent Venezuelan coup attempt" I notice that anti-government Venezuelans control about 2/3s of its legislature, and are following the law to have Maduro removed from power, but they are being illegally and unconstitutionally thwarted by Maduro and his cronies.
Jim Bell