What good is the cypherpunk philosophy? 

There are apparently five organized crime families. No doubt the FBI is wiretapping them, but they can't seem to make any headway. The US government has more luck with intercepting low level drug runners, usually those they didn't have specific warrants on.

The cypherpunk philosophy can't make public knowledge any more public than it already is. The failure to act is a human failing, not a technological one.

The design of systems meant to prevent quick and secure options in a world where every corporation has been breached is human stupidity, clearly. The violation of expectations that online computer systems are authoritative sources of authentication should be more inviolable than it is, though the government may very well have a wanton disregard for social norms. 

I wonder what would the US government do if there is extensive video evidence that the country's leaders are largely pedophiles. First they would assume the videos are fakes. There is still the issue that most of the videos are apparently unique compared previously seized or circulating materials. 

Anyway, in ten years, there won't be a need for more than a total of 5 public IPs on the entire internet.

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