Most NSA employees, like all spy agencies, do not participate directly in special ops, any more than most military members do not engage in combat. So they are terribly displeased when the exposed war carnage breaks the bubble of prestige and admiration bestowed on the whole clan for recruitment, pensions, awards and ceremonial burial. NSA had a relatively clean record, compared to other spies, until the fan was hit with Snowden. Snowden learned that working for a spy or military contractor under guise of ennobling public service is a shock at how badly hires and ex-officials are treated: produce and fulfill new contracts damn quickly or get the fuck out. So he got out. All the perks of official service are no where to be seen, and being shit on by bosses is much worse than that of the non-secretkeepers who can abuse with impunity on behalf natsec. To earn the dirty-work salaries means to eat their shit, no valor, no medals, no pride, just shameless profits. Which is why quite a few go back into official service after a taste of raw capitalism always rotting. And, not least, why even more adjust their ethics and morals to fit what the corporations expect for predator-grade dollars a year. Thus, millionaire Michael Hayden, who led the privatizing initiative with a gang of venal directors and is reaping payola for demonizing Snowden. And so is Alexander preparing a place in that select TS/SCI Codeword crowd. Infosec-comsec firms and experts play this duplicity game exceedingly well, feet in both camps, hands in both pockets, via dual-use tech and contracts, and it is to be expected that evidence of that classified duplicity is being withheld by the Snowden information managers, aided and abetted by those very experts in lawful business corruption and deception, protected by secrecy. Clues repeatedly proclaimed by the press outlets: officials ask, demand, threaten, don't publish names, addresses, emails, contractors' names. Kiriakou and Hammond await you. The sweet smell of success: joining the secretkeeping crowd for future rewards by way of irresistable offers. Guess how much will be offered to deliver Snowden and his unpublished cache (if not Greenwald and Poitras too) by one or more of his information fences by bribe and threat? Sabu is ROTFLHAO, wearing a medal for taking the piss. Probably the biggest downer for the nobody NSA grunts is observing the golden rewards of lying to the public. If that disenchantment goes the right way, there well be a steady stream of Snowdens delivering their bundles to publishes, or best, self-publishing and bypassing the venal MTMs enjoying fucking over sources. At 03:44 AM 12/8/2013, you wrote:
On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 12:22 AM, coderman <> wrote:
... it remains to be seen if they simply jump to private sector who are just as bad, or pursue less offensive careers entirely.
by private sector i'm thinking of companies like Statfor more than Amazon... """ ... Below are a series of articles this past week about internationally acclaimed activist, Srdja Popovic, and his involvement with the private intelligence firm Stratfor.
... If anyone has information about CANVAS or Srdja Popovic, please feel free to contact me at zoealif[at] I am currently writing a blog post on the story. """