Step by muffu fastag luggerin step muh grits :) Enjoy deep insights into the world of wide open source, penetrating proprietary crapola for Linux Love fests of full potential and unlocked freedom. FLOSS Hardware, FLOSS Drivers, FLOSS code muh fluggerahs :) "It's only a matter of time" (original, copyrighted phrase, licenses available for use of this TradeMark). Red Cinema look out, a new world approaches your senses, repeatedly grinding away at your imperfect models. Give up your idols of the past, create your world anew folks! Peace, Welcome to the world of apertus° … home of FOSS, open hardware, community-driven, professional digital cinema and imaging tools. For over ten years our worldwide community has been developing a variety of powerful and affordable tools designed to give users absolute and unparalleled control over their creative processes. All projects are made free (in terms of liberty) around open source software and open hardware licenses with any and all related knowledge being made publicly available. To find out more about how this Association functions please see its Mission Statement. ... Full potential unlocked ... Serious about freedom ... Love Linux … "The beauty of an open source camera to me is a step back toward the dark room, in which making the tools is part of the joy of making the art." - Lee Parker, IMAX Cinematographer. AXIOM Beta Compact concept circa December 2018 ...