On 08/17/2017 03:11 PM, juan wrote:
Hell, how could a company founded by poor oppressed jews running away from evil commie russia, and arriving to the Land of the Free, be evil? It's mathematically impossible.
Ahem... So are frigid lesbians. Glench: as the temperature of lesbians approaches absolute zero, they cease to exist Glench: let me demonstrate Glench: here we have a google search for hot lesbians Glench: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22hot+lesbians%22 Glench: ~1.4 million results Glench: cool lesbians: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22cool+lesbians%22 Glench: 2,500 results Glench: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22cold+lesbians%22 Kasu: Glench: It's scientific! Glench: 321 results Glench: for cold lesbians lapilofu: did you try warm? Glench: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22absolute+zero+lesbians%22 Glench: 0 results Glench: theory: PROVEN TwoDaemon: ... that is simultaneously so logical and so awesomely retarded. http://www.xkcdb.com/?354 Must see! xkcdb's "Newest page" http://www.xkcdb.com/newest Rr (har har)