On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 16:39:00 -0800 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
Because resonance is a universal physical principle. I have proved that (at least) the shock wave of a 255,000 lb 'tuning fork' striking the buildings nearby caused a resonance in the ground below which is mud with wood
The only thing you've proven so far is tha you are either a literal lunatic, or a very trolling troll. It's funny how you ranted against 'science' a while back but now are vomiting a string of lunatic, pseudo scientific nonsense. That would suggest that every single word you are spweing here is...trolling. So we have magical joo-kristian resonance generated because a planet hit a building. But, the hit buildings didn't magicall sink in magical joo mud themselves. Another building a couple of blocks away, magically sunk after a couple of hours. Is that how magical joo resonance works eh rayzer?
or metal sticks vertically inserted (pilings) and it affected the building's (the piece of paper or stir stick) stability, and the building we're discussing, already seriously damaged and unstable from that shock wave, eventually fell down, sort of like the piece of paper or stir stick would eventually bump the side of the glass.
No go fap yourself.
Since that is what 'really' happened, it must be documented everywhere. Even in places like wikimierda. So go ahead, post the link :
Or are you claiming that you are a truther whose TRUE THEORY is BEING SUPPRESSED by a BURGEOIS CONSPIRACY?