On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 10:40 PM, James A. Donald <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
One such man is just a criminal, but when he is backed and supported by other men in this common purpose, as he is, and thus enjoys immunity and impunity through this mutual support for violent men engaged in violent acts, he is an invasion, part of an invading army.
Invaders, as one or many, and unless exceptionally strong, prey upon the availability of the weak. Walls, borders, as single physical points perhaps, and certainly leaving multitude holes for easy access to the still unstrengthened existing masses of weak lambs / sheeple. However raising the all the weak individually, independantly mutually communally, to be self defensive, the raising of such an inhospitable environment to successful attack, rendering the first would be exploiters back from whence they came with a message of costly odds... this has not been tried, and all else has failed (those who claim to be your saviours, often aren't, or at least can't or are unwilling to prove it). The US is an example, another nation state would be batshit insane to try physically invading it due to the distributed prevalence of firearms, they only way they could win is to erase it with nukes and reboot it, or psyop the sheeple with claims of being their Messiah. Here's one link to the case, is it Mexico invading, or random snaps and issues across and part of all humanity... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kate-steinle-trial-jose-ines-garcia-zarate-not-... What happens when Mexico is "invaded"...