Dnia środa, 8 stycznia 2014 13:46:15 Rich Jones pisze:
I suppose RetroShare and GNUnet are similar in that they have 'Friend to Friend' capabilities, but as we see in practice, they don't create high-quality networks because there is no hierarchy of trust or discoverability of new users - by default, users can't interact with 'friends-of-friends', which means that what should be "Private P2P" networks degrade to "Group P2P" networks of only a few people. This proposed system should be able to accommodate thousands of users while still providing the aforementioned benefits.
RetroShare, from what I understand, is going to provide "friend-of-a-friend" connectivity... kind of: http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/INVITE_PROP2_SERVICE But yes, I see your point now. -- Pozdr rysiek