On 2/10/16, Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org> wrote:
If they ARE hiding a quantum computer, that would make it more likely that there is an extremely strong compartment where they put their most precious secrets, while they lead the rest of the world to think the compartment Snowden had access to *was* that compartment.
Snowden clearly didn't have access to the crypto compartment. Or... the journos, himself (and even unrelated deathbed retirees talking to the likes of Bamford...) are all too afraid (or too, omg, yay we can read AES patriotic advantage USA) to leak it. Ops and compute can be extrapolated from military and commercial sector physical stuff these days. But crypto, maths, algos... brain stuff... has always been their jewels. Question is... will the new generation of leaksphere... wikileaks, anonymous, darknets, the poitras / greenwalds, ecuadors, technology, ethos, philosophy, rockstar, etc... begin to elicit cracks in that?