If you are white, you are racist. If you are racist, which is to say white, a large proportion of the voters, soon to be a majority, believe you should be physically attacked.
On 1/12/2017 2:45 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
What a nasty little fantasy world.
Pretty much everyone who thought Zimmerman guilty, and pretty much everyone who prematurely condemned the Duke Lacrosse team on the testimony of a lying drunken thieving violent black whore who was trying to talk her way out of a yet another charge of violent drunken assault in a long history of violent drunken assaults and stupid violent thefts, believes that blacks have right to chimp out on whites because all whites are guilty of racism, believe that whites make Africa and Detroit poor, and that if only whites were eliminated other races would have all the stuff that whites have. That was implicit in the arguments we heard for the guilt of Zimmerman, and implicit in the arguments we heard for the premature conviction of the Duke Lacrosse team. Pretty much everyone who has been educated in Harvard believes that if only whites were eliminated other races would have all the stuff that whites have. When Obama says "You did not build that", what near fifty percent of the voters hear is that wealth just springs forth from the magic dirt, and due to racism, white people get it all. When the BLM burns down a supermarket that whites built and beats up the whites that built it, and that supermarket is not promptly replaced by a supermarket run by black women that gives out stuff for free, they think that the reason they were not given a supermarket the way white males supposedly were given ("You did not build that") is racism. They are outraged and indignant that they do not get a new supermarket the way that Obama told them whites got a new supermarket. That is the worldview taught in Harvard, and its logical implication is that all whites should be murdered. Harvard, and Obama, preach slogans that like "liquidation of the kulaks as a class" preserve a careful ambiguity between erasing white culture and civilization, and erasing whites physically. Harvard engages in symbolic acts erasing white civilization, but when these symbolic acts get down to their vote bank, the mass of the voters hear Harvard instigating the physical erasure of whites, that the physical erasure of whites is desirable and morally right.