19 Jul
19 Jul
2:52 p.m.
On one side are the geeks, nerds, crypto-anarchists, libertarians and cypherpunks -- mistrustful of government, suspicious of all attempts at regulation, believers in the ability of technology, in and of itself, to solve society's ills (maybe with a little marginally legal hacking on the side, just to keep the political pot boiling). Austin Hill, president of Zero-Knowledge, opened the conference like a true techno-believer, quoting John Gilmore as saying, "I want to guarantee [privacy] with physics and mathematics, not with laws." Opposing the technologists are the believers in law above all else . . . " https://www.salon.com/2000/04/13/libertarians/ 22 years ago and over a year before I called Mongo an ’ anarcho-phoney ’ to his face