On 11/4/19, Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
you get shit.
Maybe you know CA, perhaps you getting shit on and stolen from daily by your favorite CA lefty democratic government. No matter, both their parties are 100% dedicated to shitting on you.
MILITARY AND VETERANS CODE SECTION 120-130 Go read it. That's your CA, and its code... they will arrest mark imprison and even murder people who refuse to participate in their immoral wars murder theft forcing harmless peaceful people etc... that's entirely disgusting.
the scumbags who founded this shithole nation had ANY intention of honoring the documents they signed.
They scammed a population that had just revolted themselves into the general freedom of anarchy... out of their newfound freedom and into servitude, unto them. Their lofty asses knew exactly what they were doing, as do all governments. They put some emcees on a slick party announcement, trick you at the door, rope you up, and then fuck you as their treat, till you revolt. Do something truly different next time, be the first to stop creating governments. In the meantime, adopt and use privacy cryptocurrencies amongst yourselves.