Consider that perhaps the only reason that this fabled system... or more broadly a system capable of predicting generic events and trends, allocating resources, whatever... has apparently not yet been developed or deployed, may indeed be that cryptocurrency itself has not yet reached a sufficient level of entrenched global adoption and widespread dependent usage such that say the bespoke Govts/Corps would have at least as much difficulty banning cryptocurrency as they might find in ignoring the predictions of systems capable of producing such insights. Therefore those who want better weather predictions should first put more effort into creating cryptocurrencies suitable for use as simply money, and thus among all money's uses, for use with such prediction markets, and work on ensuring the widespread and in-depth global adoption and use of such cryptos. Question: Temperature in Paris will reach 45degC on? Question: AES will be cracked on? Question: Govt secrets will be disclosed on? Question: Cancer will be cured on? Question: War will end on? Question: ... Current reward: $1M Prediction: ? Many questions will enjoin formidible legacy forces that will be opposed to any reward and predictions being lodged. No coin + adoption level combination currently exists that can sustain such questions up against such forces that will fight to quash whichever coins are involved. And since adoption takes time, tasking any coins prematurely can meet the same end. Hardly any coins in development are even academically capable of distributed, censorship and governance free, P2P, privacy, non printable, wider adoption, 100 to 1000+ tps, not using endless growth of disk space per transaction, etc... and aren't just simple money. No features, apps, tokens, defi, compute, contracts, nft, etc. A short message field in just money. Create, adopt, money... then predict more sunny days :) (nb ie: Bitcoin-BTC failed usability as money in at least: tps, privacy, disk space based utxo model also resulting in sync bandwidth required.)