Addendum: People seem to spend most of their time acting on fears of things that aren't immediately dangerous (burglars, wild animals, guns, drugs). Understanding these things is the way to be safe from the rare time they happen. You won't believe these "lies" : I always kept my door unlocked. The only people to steal from me were people trying to teach my to lock it. I went outdoors alone at night without a light all the time. Scary animals flee from the scarier human, every single time. When my life seemed in danger, I'd talk to the people threatening it -- one was aiming a shotgun at me -- and just speak honestly about what was up. The only time I got hurt was when I had no avenue to do that. Drugs, I just added that because of the similar avoidance/moderation pattern. Sorry for the spam! This is real spam; I don't expect you to connect with it.