On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them, reveals your hatred, not ours.
On 2/28/2017 4:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.
As I said, none of the hate crimes that you hunger and thirst for have occurred in the United States since the election of Trump. Why do you want to shine a spotlight on crimes that are almost nonexistent? If not to vilify and demonize white males? But quite a lot of hate crimes against heterosexual white males have happened, the hate crimes that you do not want a spotlight shone on, the crimes that whenever someone shines a spotlight on them, you call the man with the spotlight a Nazi and seek to destroy his career and physically attack him. Such as, for example, this hate crime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5B5vAcBJpE Now that is hatred, and it is hatred that you enthusiastically and gleefully fan. And you are calling for more imaginary and fake hate crimes in order to fan it, in order to get more incidents like this. Fake hate crimes blamed on white heterosexual males enormous outnumber real hate crimes by white heterosexual males, and very real hate crimes against white heterosexual males enormously outnumber the fake hate crimes that you use to justify the entirely real hate crimes against heterosexual white males.. Why are you not shining the spotlight on fake hate crimes and the real hate crimes that they are used to justify?