On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
for the parts i think of as me, i get the biggest lashback from the other part is when i engage willpower and strong intentionality. i have some areas where i can do this more safely, they get harder to use over time and use
[in a sitation like this willpower can seem a little bit like the scary paperclip factory: a mind process that has a goal as its priority, but if it is in conflict with another goal, other th8ngs can have. maybe i feel like healthy mind processes are more relations and sustainings than specific determined goals, but if we can’t plan on meeting goals, what do we relate around? how do we sustain things? a mystery to me when this was developing was why it wouldn’t relate with my mind to make inclusive decisions when a conflict would arise]