torture victim double agent: "boss!!! how the fuck are you doing?" traffick boss looks at tvda, surprised tvda hugs boss tightly boss is bewildered and hugs back a little bit, still trying to understand where he is and what's going on torture victim double agent (hugging trafick boss tightly): "boss I hate you !!!!!" torture victim double agent lets go at traffick boss and holds him at arm's length torture victim double agent (looking at traffick boss at arm's length): "i really hate you boss!" traffick boss: "who are you again? did wealthy investor send you?" torture victim double agent gets angry and mad and red in the face and lets go of traffick boss torture victim double agent (irritated, angry, pouting): "boss! I am your most loyal acolyte! i whipped and beat myself and took long walks off short piers and drank out of toilet bowls for years so that you would have a covered escape highway th--" traffick boss shushes torture victim double agent