> Razer g2s at riseup.net
> Sun Apr 2 20:22:37 PDT 2017
> gubmint dys-ability
gibs muh dat !
> World Autism Awareness...
> “Today we share sadness for the millions born every day
> with reduced sensory and emotional experience,
> those readily identified as disabled by their habit
> of seeking eye contact.
> These (normies) are unable to bond with animals, nature,
> appreciate music, art and their full complement of
> creativity. They seem not to notice the painful harsh
> florescent lighting that mars offices and factories.
> Nor do they notice the caustic fumes of streets.
> We (autists) who are born with correct cognition,
> will care for our neurotypical friends, co-workers,
> and family members using our superpowers of focus,
> technological expertise, color-sense, and numerical
> agility to better their muted lives and provide the
> inventions that make their numbers and lifestyle possible.
> Because we love humanity, no matter what humanity
> thinks of us.”
Edited for You.