Александр <afalex169@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry Passion is no excuse for rumor-mongering.
I just happen to know WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE who have been falsely accused like this.

Александр <afalex169@gmail.com> wrote:
Innocent until proven guilty. That's the way it's supposed to work in 'Merica.
that's the way it MUST work in any normal society/person's head. Otherwise it's medieval inquisition. Period.

2016-07-20 22:16 GMT+03:00 Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org>:
So you're saying you'd do business with someone that several people said robbed them? Let an accused child molester be alone with your kids because they were never convicted?

Let's play this game.
1. So you're saying you'd do business with someone that several people said robbed them?

They said? Ok. I'll give you/everybody and example from my personal life:
They said? Oh, the old ladies downstairs also saying ... saying... i'm a gay (some of them claim now a pervert one, oh, you know, slander always evolves. and in Russia gay... is worse than a leprous)
so WHY are they saying so?!
a. They are really bored and evil. b. They SAW SOMETHING what they distorted. 'cause they saw me one time "hugging some guy" (it was my brother by the way whom i brought from the airport). AND? Am i a gay?! 'cause the whole building and many relatives of those old ladies are sure AND say i'm a pervert gay. Ok, they say. But with your fucken logic, i am. It's not that i have something against them, but it's A LIE. That's the point here. But people like you, who are "passioned" believe this shit "without a trial" (a check with me, at least)
by the way, God what a howl was one time when i played and laughed with one of their grandchildren... that's the day i first heard this slander about me.

Back to your statement "So you're saying you'd do business with someone that several people said robbed them?"-
I would check it by myself and not PREjudice the person beforehand. And yes, i would do business with someone whom "many" people dislike/judge before he himself proves me he is a fucker (or there was a fair trial).

2. Let an accused child molester be alone with your kids because they were never convicted?
Sean, he was officially accused, but not convicted or.. you are talking again about "rumors" and "sayings". If so, i don't give a damn shit about those sayings.I, myself, not far away from getting this accusation too. And based on what? Some hallucinations of old grannies with rotten mind?

I claim that ONE CANNOT JUDGE THE OTHER UNLESS HE WAS PERSONALLY ASSAULTED BY HIM/HER OR THAT PERSON WAS OFFICIALLY ACCUSED AND CONVICTED (so yes, there are very contradictive cases... but at least, this person was officially accused if not convicted and we can inspect all the documents and we know who are his accusers. that's the bare fucken minimum, not that there were not thousands of fake cases, especially with women who revenged their "ex man")

And Appelbaum?
You judge him by some fucken rumors - you said that yourself. Exactly like all the parents of this building judged me by rumors created by old bitch and are afraid to see kids near me. Not only there was no conviction in a trial against Appelbaum, but NO EVEN ONE OFFICIAL ACCUSATION from those "victims" (which is no problem to do, you know, but those fuckers don't want to do the bare minimum, because they are afraid that the lie will blow up in the police station sooner or later). So for me, they are SLANDERS. It's a SMEAR CAMPAIGN. Jake IS innocent. That's it.

I am saying a fair trial. And not some fucken rumors.
And you are saying "rumors" -> thus Appelbaum/me/you are fucked up.

As i said, it's a way to inquisition trials. Which are based on no true evidences, but rumors/feelings and in which you are guilty until proven otherwise.
And this is the ultimate EVIL.