On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Patrick Chkoreff <pc@loom.cc> wrote:
Cari Machet wrote, On 04/04/2014 05:11 AM:

> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Patrick Chkoreff <pc@loom.cc
> <mailto:pc@loom.cc>> wrote:
>     Cari Machet wrote, On 04/03/2014 03:48 PM:
>     > nobody 'owns' anything
>     Ownership is an exclusive right of use or disposal.  If I wake up one
>     morning and find you in my house eating my food, you-gonna be in big
>     trouble Lucy.

> its a lie you tell yourself - you were told its true its not
> ever heard of eminent domain ?
> ever heard of israel?
> lets not even talk about your paycheck

Now THAT is a good point.  I thought you were deriding the very concept
of ownership.  If you're saying that private property is such a good
idea that maybe we should *try* it sometime, then I'm with you.

o your funny

there is actually a lot in common that libertarians and anarchists have but it is bent differently - i dont agree that there is scarcity and live in intense fear that i wont get lotsa stuff - i think we have abundance and the very idea of scarcity is a con game the elite and the autocrats feed everyone fr before they are born so that they can exploit them

i find the houses that look like restaurants or hotels that i have seen in the suburbs that outline washington dc are repulsive and i find it repulsive that there are people that have no potable water on the planet and cannot read or write - i would rather people and everything were treated and thought of as more equal

-- Patrick

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
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Twitter: @carimachet <https://twitter.com/carimachet>

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