Welcome To The Interregnum Chris Martenson via PeakProsperity.com https://www.peakprosperity.com/the-easy-times-are-over-the-interregnum-is-he... https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/welcome-interregnum We’re between things. It’s an uncomfortable place. ... Bottom line: If you are demoralized there’s nothing wrong with you. But there is definitely something wrong with the larger situation. If you know someone who is demoralized, don’t try to ‘fix’ them by helping them fit back into their old lives better. The problem isn’t with their ability to adapt. The problem is they are already adapting to what is coming. They’re ahead of the curve, not behind it. They just see the new curve before you do. With that critical framing for the word demoralization, we can now go a bit deeper. But first, I want to introduce an important term relating to demoralization: Zozobra. It describes a potent sensation one might experience during an interregnum, especially if demoralization is in play. ... The word “zozobra” is an ordinary Spanish term for “anxiety” but with connotations that call to mind the wobbling of a ship about to capsize. ... This feeling of zozobra is commonly experienced by people who visit or immigrate to a foreign country: the rhythms of life, the way people interact, everything just seems “off” – unfamiliar, disorienting and vaguely alienating. According to the philosopher Emilio Uranga (1921-1988), the telltale sign of zozobra is wobbling and toggling between perspectives, being unable to relax into a single framework to make sense of things. As Uranga describes it in his 1952 book “Analysis of Mexican Being”: “Zozobra refers to a mode of being that incessantly oscillates between two possibilities, between two affects, without knowing which one of those to depend on … indiscriminately dismissing one extreme in favor of the other. In this to and fro the soul suffers, it feels torn and wounded.” ... And if you need a kick in the pants, learn about molecules of the neurotransmitter dopamine and the synaptic cleft: Watch the Latest Episode of “Meet the Goyim” Streaming Free Online! https://dailystormer.su/watch-the-latest-episode-of-meet-the-goyim-streaming...