Exactly 6 million Jews pogrommed in early 20th Century Russia, from Ukraine to western Russia. Anyone might think this 6 million figure comes from the Talmud or something .... ** Yet Another Six Million: The Fable of Pogroms against Jews in Tsarist Russia https://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=4aa42463a9&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson Rusjournal (773 views) on Thu, Feb 14, 2019 The official history says that from the late 19th century to the First World War, Jews in western Russian cities were targeted by the “Black Hundreds” and the government in “pogroms.” This is a buzzword designed to make attacking Jews different than attacking everyone else. These riots, the academic will piously tell us, “killed millions and millions.” These Jews were targeted for “no reason” and the violence was instigated by “the tsar” due to “blind hate.” While this is a common historical claim whenever Jews are concerned, as always, none of this is true. Western Russian violence at this time had several qualities in common: few Jews were killed; Jews were almost always the aggressors; and Jews were far better armed than the local police in cities such as Vilna, Starodub, Odessa and Kiev.