On Sun, 22 Nov 2020 23:00:39 -0600 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
On 11/22/20 22:41, [bleep] wrote:
for the record :
the US [G]overnment agent [S]hawn [Q]uinn
False, I have never worked for the US Government.
you are clearly a US government propaganda agent. Whether you are an 'official' agent is a secondary issue. THE FACT of the matter is that everything you write on this list is US government propaganda. Including all the garbage you say about tor, the pentagon's cyberweapon.
I have never received any monetary compensation as wages to work for the US Government,
so you are an 'amateur' US government propaganda agent. Whether your govt directly pays you, or you just parrot propaganda because of your fascist loyalty and the indirect benefits you get from the US empire is a secondary issue.
nor have I received any other non-cash consideration to work for the US Government. I have stated this on the list in the past.
there's of course no reason to believe what you say, but as explained above even if you don't get a check directly from 'uncle sam' you are stil a de facto US government propaganda agent. if you ever stop vomiting your sick propaganda then you won't be an agent anymore. Just an 'ex' agent.
and [J]ew-fascist [S]hawn [Q]uinn
False, I am not Jewish. False, I am not a fascist.
you are a barefaced apologist of jew fascism. You don't need to literally be a 'jew' to be their propaganda agent and aligned with their fascist operations.
has repeatedly ignored the fact that [J]ews have been commiting crimes against humanity in [P]alestine since the [A]nglo-US-[J]ew[ish] [N]azis invaded [P]alestine in the 20th century.
I have not ignored this, it just has not been relevant to anything regarding the cypherpunks movement.
that's just another idiotic lie coming from you. The crimes commited by the US empire should be pretty relevant for an 'anarchist' 'movement'. The politics of the US empire are also pretty relevant. US propaganda is pretty relevant including the jew-fascist propaganda that paints jews as 'poor oppressed victims'. You deny the existence of the very jew-fascist propaganda you spout, so you need to be 'reminded' of the crimes against humanity that your jews commit.
I am in favor of a two-state solution to the long-running Israel-Palestine conflict.
and that has fuck to do with anything. The topic was the crimes that your jews commit, not any bullshit 'solution', which by the way entails letting the criminals get away with all their sick crimes.
Also, Jewish Nazis seems to be self-contradictory,
only to a US nazi like you. The US, you know, where 10s of millions of blacks where put in 'concentration camps' for all their lives for a whole century. Not to mention the ethnic cleansing of indians. Or the mass murder of 10s of millions in countless imperial wars. Et cetera. Ok, now tell me that US nazis like you can't be nazis because.