dikcoin next? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 6:44 AM Subject: titcoin Introducing Titcoin – the first digital currency aimed at the porn industry, announced by PornHub. Many cryptocurrencies have come and gone since Bitcoin’s <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/bitcoin-making-a-virtual-mint/032266> boom in popularity, but none have been aimed at a specific industry in the same way Titcoin is. Speaking to Vice <http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/titcoin-is-a-brand-new-cryptocurrency-for-porn-purchases?utm_source=vicetwitteruk>, one of the currency’s founders, Edward Mansfield, explained that due to the popularity of Bitcoin, porn users may want to use another type of private currency: “In the future, you might have a Bitcoin account with your spouse. You may not want them to see you purchasing products or subscriptions on adult sites, so having an industry-specific coin has certain advantages for consumers.” Rather confusingly, a video explaining Titcoin has been uploaded to YouTube, which implies that it’s a scheme that lets women pay for goods by flashing their own goods at shop assistants. It turns out this was actually an entry for a contest to become Pornhub’s creative director, and Titcoin is in fact a normal cryptocurrency that works just like the others. Once all have been mined, there will be a total of 69 million Titcoins in circulation (of course), but while the likes of Dogecoin and Litecoin have managed to carve out their own section of the market – which currently has over 275 trading cryptocurrencies – only time will tell if this one goes tits up like many others have before it. Other digital currencies that have failed to truly take off include Nyancoin <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/nyan-cat-latest-meme-to-get-its-own-cryptocurrency/033009> and Flappycoin. <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/flappy-bird-spawns-two-flappycoin-currencies/033242> While these two might be struggling, they are still around. Meanwhile, Kanye West made sure that Coinye <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/coinye-is-dead-you-win-kanye/032953> well and truly died after he got his lawyers on the case… Introducing Titcoin – the first digital currency aimed at the porn industry. Many cryptocurrencies have come and gone since Bitcoin’s <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/bitcoin-making-a-virtual-mint/032266> boom in popularity, but none have been aimed at a specific industry in the same way Titcoin is. Speaking to Vice <http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/titcoin-is-a-brand-new-cryptocurrency-for-porn-purchases?utm_source=vicetwitteruk>, one of the currency’s founders, Edward Mansfield, explained that due to the popularity of Bitcoin, porn users may want to use another type of private currency: “In the future, you might have a Bitcoin account with your spouse. You may not want them to see you purchasing products or subscriptions on adult sites, so having an industry-specific coin has certain advantages for consumers.” Rather confusingly, a video explaining Titcoin has been uploaded to YouTube, which implies that it’s a scheme that lets women pay for goods by flashing their own goods at shop assistants. It turns out this was actually an entry for a contest to become Pornhub’s creative director, and Titcoin is in fact a normal cryptocurrency that works just like the others. Once all have been mined, there will be a total of 69 million Titcoins in circulation (of course), but while the likes of Dogecoin and Litecoin have managed to carve out their own section of the market – which currently has over 275 trading cryptocurrencies – only time will tell if this one goes tits up like many others have before it. Other digital currencies that have failed to truly take off include Nyancoin <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/nyan-cat-latest-meme-to-get-its-own-cryptocurrency/033009> and Flappycoin. <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/flappy-bird-spawns-two-flappycoin-currencies/033242> While these two might be struggling, they are still around. Meanwhile, Kanye West made sure that Coinye <http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/coinye-is-dead-you-win-kanye/032953> well and truly died after he got his lawyers on the case… ========================================== Website: http://www.prurient.com Contact: titcoin [at] prurient.com Social: @OfficialTitcoin @titcoinpool Pools: titcoinpool.com