15 Jun
15 Jun
6:22 p.m.
On 06/14/2015 12:07 AM, grarpamp wrote:
Russia and China have cracked the top-secret cache of files stolen by the fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden, forcing MI6 to pull agents out of live operations in hostile countries, according to senior officials in Downing Street, the Home Office and the security services.
The Sunday Times is throwing a pout about being called on their now-known-as-unverifiable story (reporter admitted as much to CNN) and has ATTEMPTED issuing a DMCA takedown order b/c Intercept lo-rez Screenshot of their front page. The Intercept is ignoring that order: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/06/sunday-times-sends-dmca-notice-to...