On Thu, 28 Jul 2016 17:54:44 -0300 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
we know that there are struggles around sexism.
sexism? What?
We should use this moment to grow and make things better, not destroy
On Jul 28, 2016 5:02 PM, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote: the movement
What movement? The movement of pentagon propagandists?
there needs to be a positive agenda around sexism
Translation : we *are* feminazis and we have no principled
objection about an aberration like the 'tor project'. We are just upset because one member of our mafia got a dose of our own medicine! It can't get any more self-parodic than this...
Please, after eating carbohydrates, think a bit and remember I am not a feminazi.
But that doesn't prevent you from working with feminanzis, apparentely...
I am a feminist, not a feminazi, Juan.
You shouldn't be playing feminazi games then. Regardless my comments are about 'ourresponse.org', not you.
The people who signed this petition believe in Justice,
False. They believe in 'sexism' and the they are corrupt supporters of the pentagon's 'tor project'. If they believed in 'justice' they would never support a guy who gets 100K per year from the US state while pretending to be an 'anarchist'. What kind of fucking game is that. But if you want to be part of the group that believes in 'sexism' and supports garbage like the tor project fine, don't complain if you get called out though.
in never using sexism in witches hunter without proofs, without due process.
Only feminazis believe in 'sexism'.
Take care and eat chocolate, dear! :*