On Sep 5, 2016 8:12 AM, "Mark Steward" <marksteward@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4 Sep 2016 22:13, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
"Form your own group, your own mailing list, with a catchy name, something like "The Privacy Education Foundation," or "The American Civil Liberties Union" (whoops, taken), or "The Society for the Preservation of Cyberspatial Liberty." " "Evolution in action. The market in action. A better approach than trying to get the name and the charter changed."
A market in action...
My point is that the CHARTER of the mailing list is supposed to be LIBERTARIAN.
I don't think you have a clue what libertarian means.
I even found time to correct Tim May, who cried uncle sort of. ;-) I happened to have personal knowledge of that situation.
I wasn't mature enough to philosophize much then.
And you think you are know? Do you know the etymology of the word "philosophy", I suppose?
Philo-sophy means love of knowdlege/wisdom. See, the requirement for philosophy is not 'maturity'(whatever you mean by that). The requirement for philosophy is the love of truth and intellectual honesty.
I see you're authoritarian about language too. Philosophy's history, much
like Scientology's, owes more to narcissism than etymology. Prove it